little big planet

    ACHTUNG dies ist das ALTE Forum!!

    Das neue gibt es unter!
      Just a quick update let everyone know that LBP now has some new search features.

      In addition to the Author search (put @ in front of the search word
      to search by Author) there are now some more new search methods.

      Search for words in Level Title only

      To search for words in Level Title only, put a $ in front of the
      search word . For example, to search for levels with ‘Frenzy’ in the
      Level Title type:


      Search for exact words

      To search for exact words, use single quotes, like this:


      This will search ONLY for the word ‘frenzy’ in Level Title and Level
      Description (so no fonzy, friendzy, fencey, frendy, frondy, fwendy,

      Search for phrases only

      To search by phrase, say, ‘The Mighty Tower of Ultimate Doom’, use double quotes, like this:

      “The Mighty Tower of Ultimate Doom”

      This will search only the Level Title & Level Description for exactly that phrase.

      Combine Searches

      If that’s not enough for you (whaa…!?) you can even combine
      searches! What do I mean? Well, say I wanted to search for ‘Marks Multi
      Mega Marvellous Mashing Machine’ by ‘MarkLovesMashing9988′, I’d type in:

      $Mashing @MarkLovesMashing9988

      Which will search for all levels with ‘Mashing’ in the Level Title that also has ‘MarkLovesMashing9988′ as the author.

      Or I could type:

      ‘Mashing Machine’ @MarkLovesMashing


      $Mashing @Mashing

      I could go on, but I think you get the idea?

      On top of all that, the default search is now less fuzzy. So, what
      you search for will show less results but be of a higher quality.
      Basically, it’ll find less but what it finds will be a more exact match
      to your search word.

      Phew! I’m all excited again about searching for those hidden gems.
      Aha!, I can even search for ‘MmSC’ without getting lots of ‘Misc’
      levels (was that a subtle hint that there’s going to be another Mm
      Picks Survival Challenge Edition soon? hmmm, maybe…)

      Remember, if you find any gems out there, let me know!

      Anyways, Enjoy!

      Krieg ist Frieden. Freiheit ist Sklaverei. Unwissenheit ist Stärke.