Source Engine Update Released

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      Source Engine Update Released

      kam grad in der hlds mailingliste :

      The Source Engine Update has now been released. Please run
      hldsupdatetool again to make sure your game is update to date. Changes
      for this update include:

      - Cheat protected many more cvars
      - Replaced cl_interp with cl_interp_ratio. Server can limit it with sv_min_cl_interp_ratio and sv_max_cl_interp_ratio
      - Added sv_rcon_log to allow rcon logging to be disabled


      der server wird sich wohl automatisch updaten ... will grad nicht eure runde stören .... falls nicht mach ich das update halt morgen ;)

      Krieg ist Frieden. Freiheit ist Sklaverei. Unwissenheit ist Stärke.
      n steamclient update gabs auch noch :rolleyes:

      [-] January 17, 2007 - Current Release

      Improved favorites list responsiveness when manipulating very large lists
      Bug fixes
      Fixed occasional hang on startup
      Fixed IP address sorting order in the serverbrowser
      Fixed server pings being too high if you ran Steam for more than a day
      Fixed sometimes loosing favorites when they were added in game
      Fixed guest pass column showing in the media/tools page incorrectly

      Krieg ist Frieden. Freiheit ist Sklaverei. Unwissenheit ist Stärke.