neues steam update vom 02.12.2004

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      neues steam update vom 02.12.2004

      hier der offizielle text:

      Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Source SDK, and Source Engine updates are available and will be applied automatically when Steam is restarted. The changes include:

      Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
      * Players now play grenade throw animation and RPG fire animation
      * Items and weapons punted from their original spawn position now return after x time has passed (sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time, sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time)
      * Improved player crouch animations

      Source SDK
      * Included support for making HL2DM maps
      * Included sample source HL2DM map: dm_lockdown.vmf
      * Added xwad, vtf2tga, and glview tools
      * Fixed problems running vrad on certain machines
      * Fixed bugs adding game configurations with long paths
      * Improved detection of bad game paths

      Source Engine
      * Fixed server plugins not loading under Steam
      * Fixed rcon kick failing
      * Fixed UDP logging functions not working properly with quoted strings

      Half-Life 2: Deathmatch und Source SDK sind gänzlich uninteressant. Der vrad Fix macht endlich gescheites mappen möglich
      der Rest ist Pillepalle.

      Allerdings bei der Source Engine tut sich endlich was.
      -Fixed server plugins not loading under Steam-

      Das wird Bernie freuen. Er hat ja das mitgelieferte Beispiel Plugin nicht zum laufen gekriegt.
      Nun sollte es endlich gehen. :D